Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Future

Have I ever told you how much I love my daughter?  I absolutely adore her!  I know I'm pretty partial, but I think she is the most beautiful, intelligent, and funny little girl I've ever met.  Her personality is one of the best things about her because she can make you laugh, melt your heart, and take away any bad mood in a 5 second time span.  However, I think I'm in for a rough future

Kaci is definitely a mommy's girl and emulates my actions.  If I'm getting ready in the bathroom, here comes Kaci with her 'makeup' putting it on just like me.  If I'm wearing jewelry, so does Kaci.  When I spray perfume, so does Kaci.  I think you get the point, but it goes beyond her just wanting to do everything like me because, you have to understand that my daughter really, truly is a mini-me.  Her mannerisms are just like mine, from hand gestures, facial expressions, down to the way we sit on the floor.  And then there's the hair color, eyes, chin, nose (you get the point).  But the one thing that really makes her a carbon copy is her personality.  She acts just like me!

One day before school (when she was just 3, mind you), she stood on her stool in the bathroom brushing her hair, putting on 'makeup', and jewelry.  I kept trying to rush her because we were right at the point that if we didn't get out the door we were going to be late.  That little stinker looked right at me and with all seriousness (and a hint of attitude) said (more like yelled), "I can't go yet, I'm trying to do my hair and makeup and I still need to put on my jewelry!"  In a flash, I was able to visualize her middle school years but then cringed because I knew that those exact words had probably (OK, most definitely) come out of my mouth many moons ago.

Fast forward to tonight when I'm trying to get Kaci into the bathroom to brush her teeth.  She was not cooperating and I was starting to get frustrated, then she started to get frustrated, and Jim just sat there taking it all in.  It was at that moment that she and I both threw our arms down, fists clenched and let out a moan in identical fashion leaving my husband near hysterical tears as he saw us as a mirror image (or maybe it was that he saw a glimpse into what his wife was like as a 4 year old).  The rest of the production at the bathroom sink had him in further stitches and his only words were that he wished my mother were here to see this because he could guarantee that she had experienced this once before in the exact same manner.  That's when it hit me...Kaci is me in a tiny package.  Now I know what my future will hold and all I can say is, "Sorry, Mom.  I will definitely get my paybacks."

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