Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back To School

It's my last official day of rest without students but if you ask my husband summer for a teacher definitely is not all about total relaxation.  From tweaking plans from the previous year, creating new projects for the upcoming year, to meetings, reading professional books, and everything in between I seemed to always be doing something school related.  Since I've had Kaci I've never felt that I did enough with her during the summer.  As I was mentioning this to Jim the other night, he reminded me of all the fun things we did do this summer.  We began with a trip to Montana to visit Justin and his new son Landon.

Kaci holding her new nephew, Landon      

A month later, we got to go on a trip to Coldwater, Michigan with my family and Kaci got to hang out with her favorite second cousin, Malena.  She loved being at the lake and started to greatly overcome her fear of water/swimming.
Kaci and Malena looking at the full moon

Catching fish with Daddy

We also participated in the library's summer reading program and the weekly story time/craft sessions.  She also kept up with her weekly gymnastics classes.  Amazingly, after we got back from Michigan she totally got over her fear of swimming (as long as she's wearing her vest) so we wound up spending almost everyday at Grandma's pool.  A massive heat wave took over our area during July, so the only time we spent outside was at the pool, but we still managed to play lots of indoor games, read lots of books, and discovered new found loves for old Disney classic moves (namely Peter Pan).

All in all, it was a great summer and I need to quit feeling guilty about not doing enough.  I guess the lesson to learn is that it doesn't matter how many trips you take, how many programs you participate it, what really matters is that you are spending time with the ones you love.

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