Saturday, September 17, 2011

A to Z

I saw this on my friend's cousin's blog (makes me think of that scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off...My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this get the point) and thought it was a cute idea, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

A {age} 32
B {bed size} queen
C {chore you hate} cleaning floors
D {dogs} 1 shih tzu named Bella
E {essential start to your day} shower
F {favorite color} black is my favorite to wear
G {gold or silver} white gold
H {height} 5'1
I {instrument you play} I played the flute and piccolo in middle/high school
J {job title} I get paid to be a teacher, but I'm also a mom, wife, chef, chauffeur, get the point
K {kids} 4-Kaci, Kelsey, Jordan, Justin
L {live} Northern Kentucky
M {maiden name} Zacharias
N {nickname} don't really have any
O {overnight hospital stays} when I had a c-section
P {pet peeve} when people leave the lights on and they aren't in the room, when they burp and don't say excuse me
Q {quote} God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference
R {righty or lefty} righty
S {siblings} little sister, Becky
T {time you wake up} Ugh, I hate waking up!  On school days, I wake up at 6:45
U {universities} Miami University (undergrad), Northern Kentucky University (grad)
V {vegetable you hate} cooked spinach
W {what makes you run late} not wanting to wake up and Kaci moving slowly
X {x-rays you've had} teeth (at the dentist), ankle (high school injury)
Y {yummy food} tacos, pizza, Coke-a-Cola
Z {zoo animal favorites} monkeys

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