Friday, November 2, 2012

The Most Magical Place on Earth

I am well aware of how neglected this poor blog has been lately.  Someday, I will look back upon this and kick myself for not updated more often but there always seem to be hundreds of things that need to be accomplished every day and maintaining the blog just always seems to get shoved to the bottom of the list.  I need to get better about that.  Maybe once grad school is finished...?

Last month, we made another trek to Disney World.  We are by no means Disney World experts, but having been last year we did feel a bit more comfortable and kind of knew what to do and where to go.  We stayed at the Carribean Beach Resort because it had sandy beaches all around.  Kaci kept telling me that she wanted to go to the beach but she also wanted to go to Disney World.  There was no way we could afford both of those vacations, so I thought this was the best of both worlds.

The view to our "beach"

Kaci and Mommy relaxing

Playing in the sand
One of Kaci's most favorite things was the fact that we were staying in a pirate room and that she was going to sleep in a pirate ship bed.  You have to understand that my girly-girl is very much into pirates at the moment, so this room was very important to her.

Arrr mateys
If you've never been to Disney or stayed at a Disney resort, you don't understand just how much there is to do without even stepping foot into the park.  There are so many things to do that you could honestly just stay at the hotel all day and not get bored.  In fact, that's what we did most afternoons.  It's still hot in Florida in October, so to beat the heat we swam during the heat of the day and went to the park in the evenings when it wasn't as hot.  This was perfect for Kaci since she now loves to swim.  Plus, our friends Kevin and Shannon just happened to be at the same hotel so Kaci got to hang out with Jackson and Gracie at the pool. How awesome is that she had friends in Disney with her?

How much fun is that?

This is the only time she went down.  The rest of the time was spent in the pool.

Hanging out with Gracie and Jackson
There is so much more to share (and yes Mom, I promise I will update again soon).  Kaci was very excited with the characters she got to meet this year (and again, I know my Mom is itching to see the pictures).  More to come soon!

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