Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Shot Heard 'Round the World

No, I'm not talking about the Revolutionary War, I'm talking about my child (and this proves even more how much like me she really is). 

Today, Jim took Kaci for her check-up with the nephrologist for her kidney disease.  She pleasantly refers to him as the pee-pee doctor since he makes her pee in a cup at each appointment.  Well, Jim and I knew that this visit was going to require some blood work to check on her kidney functions since she hasn't had any taken in almost a year.  Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am petrified of shots.  Seriously...petrified.  I hate them with a passion!  I guess I passed this gene on to my child.

According to Jim (hey, wasn't a TV show?), the minute Kaci heard the word "blood" she started to freak out.  She even pulled a classic Mommy move when she screamed in pain as they wiped her arm with the alcohol pad.  And you can only imagine how she reacted when the needle actually penetrated the skin.  YIKES!  It took Jim and the nurse to hold her still long enough to get a sample (and this includes stopping her from ripping the whole apparatus out of her arm-almost causing her to have another needle stick) all while she screamed bloody murder.  It reminded me of the time it took my mom, the doctor, and 2 nurses to hold me down just to get my finger pricked.  I'm also the lady that wasn't afraid of giving birth, only afraid of the IV they would want to put in my arm.  Anyway, Jim said that when they walked out, the whole waiting room cocked their heads and gave them a pitiful look.  The kind that says, "I heard everything and I know your pain."

The truth of the matter is that Kaci will have many more needle sticks in her lifetime and I can only hope the experience gets better, but if she's anything like her mother, it won't.

On a happy note, my baby now weighs 32 1/2 pounds and her kidney function is doing so well that she won't need to be seen for 6 more months (versus 3).  Woo hoo!

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